We want to start by saying that we do not condone or recommend the use of Etizolam for human consumption. This article was created to prove some facts about Etizolam and drug tests. Now, onto the article itself!

Etizolam, even though mainly used for research, is sometimes used for human consumption. While it can be very dangerous to use in such a way, people mainly choose to use it for specific properties (completely ignoring the overwhelming negative properties). The question here is, will it show up on a drug test? Let’s find out!

The short answer is – Yes and no. It might appear on a drug test that is specifically designed to target benzos or thieno diazepines (if the test is a 12 panel one) but in other cases, it will mostly either come up as a benzo (which Etizolam isn’t; it’s a thieno diazepine) or not at all. It’s pretty much a gamble to continue using Etizolam if you’re up for a drug test. Most users have said that the best thing you can do if you have to take a drug test is to stop using the drug completely. This way, you’ll avoid any positive results. Otherwise, you won’t know what to expect so it can be either negative or positive and very bad for you.

Considering most user reports came from 2015 and earlier, there might be a pretty good chance that drug tests now include Etizolam as well. So, if for example, you live in the US or Canada, you might end up having a very bad time. Your best bet is to lay off the drug for a while until it passes and if it’s truly necessary for you, continue after you pass the test. But, as we mentioned before, we do not recommend using Etizolam as a drug for personal use and are highly against it. You’re using it at your own risk. We must point out that Etizolam for human consumption is not recommended.


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