Though, etizolam is considered as a well-tolerated and quite safe drug compared out other same class of medicines. But that doesn’t mean this drug has no potential side effects. As it as an anxiolytic, sedative, and hypnotic substance, the user will experience some side effects after prolonged consumption of this drug. However, it should be noted that the side effects of etizolam drug may vary person to person and also depends on the amount of dosage you’re consuming. Some probable side effects include:

Physical side effects

  • Respiratory depression
  • Blurred vision
  • Drowsiness
  • Nausea and vomiting tendency
  • Blepharospasm (involuntary eye closure)
  • Impaired coordination
  • Yawning
  • Muscle relaxation
  • Decreased heart beat rate
  • Decreased stamina
  • Rebound insomnia

Mental or Psychological effects

  • Impaired memory (short term only)
  • Lowered inhibitions
  • Mental confusion
  • Decreased anxiety
  • Sedative effects

Comedown effects

Though, some users reported that they experienced malaise after consuming etizolam for 1 or 2 weeks. But the majority of people who uses this drug suggested that it doesn’t cause any hangover or comedown effects. So, it is advisable to avoid frequent use of this drug, because it can lead to rebound anxiety and impairment of your sleep-wake cycle.

Withdrawal symptoms of etizolam

The withdrawal effects of this drug are quite similar to other classic benzodiazepines. Basically, etizolam or any conventional benzodiazepines stimulate the neuro-receptor cells in the brain and cause a sedation effect in your central nervous system. Prolonged use of these types of drugs eventually takes the place of those neuroreceptors and become artificially responsible for inducing sleep and also relaxing your muscles. So, when you abruptly stop consuming these drugs, the neuroreceptor cells in the brain can’t resume their preconceived functions and makes you vulnerable for convulsions and seizures. That is the reason user often experiences some withdrawal and rebound symptoms after suddenly stop using these drugs. The most probable withdrawal and rebound symptoms include:

Rebound insomnia and anxiety, trouble sleeping, fast heartbeat rate or tachycardia, agitation, a headache, anorexia, tremor, perspiration, hypersensitivity to visual and auditory stimuli, postural hypertension or drop in blood pressure level, heart palpitations, and tinnitus. Also, some severe effects may arise due to withdrawal from a long-term use of higher dosages of this drug such as motor dysfunction, psychosis, confusions, impaired memory power, hallucinations, etc.

Dangers and overdose of etizolam

Though, Etizolam can be considered as a lifesaver medicine for those who are living with various physical and psychological disorders such as panic disorder, chronic anxiety, insomnia, social phobia, and seizures. But there are also some reports suggest abuse potential of this drug and also has some side effects of etizolam. Some people out of curiosity often mix this drug with other addictive substances to get high which could be dangerous. Etizolam becomes quite lethal also with following substances:

  • Conventional benzos (such as Alprazolam, Rohypnol, Klonopin, Valium, Diazepam, and Lorazepam)
  • Opioids
  • Alcohol
  • Tricyclic antidepressants such as amitriptyline and nortriptyline
  • Painkillers like morphine, oxycodone, and methadone
  • Barbiturates or sleeping pills such as Nembutal, Seconal, etc.

Abusing of this drug is quite common with teenagers and it enhances the side effects of etizolam. Though, it would be difficult to find out whether he/she is abusing etizolam or not. But, when people start abusing these types of addictive drugs, some behavioural changes such as slurred speech, a stumbling gate, difficulty with concentration, poor balance occur to them. The person becomes forgetful about his/her activities or assignments, in conversations with others they often get lost in their thought, experience nightmares or strange dreams while sleeping. That’s why in some countries etizolam and other benzodiazepines are regulated as a controlled substance, only available for research and clinical purposes. And for that, you also need to produce a valid license or prescription to make a purchase of this drug.

An overdose of etizolam and its related drugs could be incredibly dangerous for the people having respiratory issues as it has some respiratory depressant effects. An overdose of etizolam also leads to rhabdomyolysis i.e. breakdown of muscle tissues and hypothermia. According to a report of ‘American Medical Association’ in the US in the year 2010 etizolam and other conventional benzos were involved in almost 25% of fatal drug overdoses. Similarly, according to Forensic Science International in Japan, it was reported that two people were died due to drug overdose where metabolic traces of etizolam were found in their body.

Some specific symptoms and signs of benzodiazepines and etizolam overdoses are as follows:

  • Double vision
  • Low heart beat rate
  • Staggering and stumbling
  • Blurred speech
  • Amnesia
  • Vomiting, and
  • Falling down

So, these were some of the very common side effects of etizolam. Some of the recreational users feel sleepy and sluggish after consuming these drugs while others show aggression, agitation, anxiety, etc. Note that, these types of drugs have debilitating comedown effects, so when a user consume overdose it could lead to respiratory failure, loss of consciousness and sometimes even death.

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