Etilaam is a type of thienodiazepine drug of the etizolam class, that’s why etilaam also called as generic etizolam. It acts as anxiolytic, anti-depressant, sedative or hypnotic and anti-consultant substance, typically administered for the treatment of anxiety disorder, insomnia related issues. This drug has a higher affinity for the alpha 2 subunit of the post synaptic Gamma Amino Butyric Acid (GABA) receptor cells. Etilaam stimulates these GABA receptors and suppresses the excessive activity of nerve cells in the brain and thereby treats different physical and psychological disorders.  You can buy etizolam in Canada but only for research purpose as it is not advised to take etizolam as a medicine yet.


Etilaam tablets are used for the treatment of various medical conditions such as:

  • Short-term insomnia
  • Cervical spine disorder,
  • Back pain
  • Impaired concentration
  • Urinary retention
  • Chronic anxiety disorder,
  • Panic attacks, and
  • Phobic neurosis
  • Also used to treat a secondary psycho somatic illness like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), headache, yawning and hypertension.

Composition of etilaam

The active pharmaceutical ingredient or salt in an etilaam tablet is:

  • Etizolam (0.5 mg)/ (0.25mg)

Please note that the strength of the active ingredient may vary for different types of medicine of its class.


Different dosages are administered for different disorders like:

  • For the treatment of short-term insomnia – Doctors often recommend a dosage of 1 to 2 mg daily before going to bed.
  • For short term anxiety and panic disorder – 0.25 – 0.5 mg twice a day.
  • For a psychosomatic illness like IBS – 0.5 mg once a day.

You need to remember that, excessive consumption can lead to severe side effects and to avoid these, limit your intake within 3mg. Also, don’t use etilaam for prolonged period (more than 12 weeks) because these types of drugs are prone to habit forming and that is we do not advise you to buy etizolam in Canada for personal use. You also have to reduce the dosages gradually, as abrupt withdrawal of etilaam can cause unnecessary withdrawal or rebound symptoms.

Side effects of etilaam tablet

The following is the list of possible side effects that may occur during treatment with this etilaam tablets.

  • Cardiovascular issues such as slow heartbeat, hypertension.
  • Problems related central nervous system like a headache, sedation, respiratory depression, drowsiness, ataxia, amnesia, etc.
  • Musculoskeletal problems such as muscle spasms, physical weakness.
  • Blurred vision, difficulties keeping eyes open, involuntary eye movement, and in-coordination.
  • Irritability, nausea, dry mouth, vomiting, etc.

However, point to be noted that these are only possible side effects, don’t occur every time or on every user. And also some of these side effects occur only rarest of rare cases.


Etilaam could be one of the best drugs to cure short-term insomnia and anxiety related disorders. It is very effective and quite safe in its’ regular dosage and also doesn’t cause any severe side effects. Just be careful when mixing this drug with other addictive substances like alcohol that some people do in order to get high. But it can cause some fatal effects like loss of inhibitions, sometimes even leads to death. So, it is advised to know all the details about this substance before you buy etizolam in Canada.


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